8 August 2017 | Eugene 
Arthrosis of the First CMC Joint is one of the most common forms of osteoarthritis, so if you feel pain in your thumb, it's worth knowing about. Learn about the causes, symptoms and treatments at WristSupports.co.uk. |
8 August 2017 | Eugene 
Ulnar Deviation is a nasty and often painful condition that can encourage your fingers to bend to the side, resulting in an unsightly deformity of the hand. Learn about causes, symptoms and treatments at WristSupports.co.uk. |
8 August 2017 | Eugene 
The Colles' Fracture is one of the most common forms of break to the arm and the wrist, involving the radial side of the forearm. Learn about Colles' Fractures, along with their causes, treatments and symptoms, at WristSupports.co.uk. |
2 August 2017 
Arthritis is a condition that affects millions of people in the UK alone, affecting people of all ages, including children. It is characterised by symptoms such as joint pain, stiffness (particularly first thing in the morning), restricted movement and muscle wasting. Here at WristSupports.co.uk we have created a guide to help you understand what arthritis is, who can get it, and how it can affect your wrists and other joints. Read on to find out more! |
2 August 2017 
A buckle fracture is an incomplete fracture of the bone that occurs when the bone compresses and crunches down upon itself, causing it to crumple on only one side, and is most common among children. Here at WristSupports.co.uk, we have prepared a quick and comprehensive guide on how to recognise and treat a buckle fracture. |
1 Comment2 August 2017 
Skier's thumb is a pretty painful and disruptive injury pertaining to the ulnar collateral ligament (UCL). It is often associated with skiers who fall on their outstretched hand while gripping the ski pole, causing the ligaments in the hand to tear. Tears of the UCL can often lead to instability of the metcarpophalangeal (MCP) joint that connects the thumb to the hand, and causes pain, swelling and reduced grip strength. Read on to find out more about skier's thumb and how to treat it. |
2 August 2017 
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a medical condition in which the median nerve is squeezed where it passes through the wrist, which may lead to pain, numbness and tingling in the thumb, index and middle finger. Here at WristSupports.co.uk we have decided to put together a quick guide to help you get acquainted with the syndrome and find the right solution for your problem. |
2 August 2017 
Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) is a condition characterised by the pain and inflammation in muscles, nerves and tendons from repetition of similar movements. It mainly affects the limbs of the upper body including wrists, arms, elbows, shoulders and neck, and can be exacerbated by cold temperatures, vibrating machinery and poor posture. Here at Wrist Supports, we have put together a little guide teaching you about RSI and how to prevent it. Read on to find out more! |
2 August 2017 
Whether it's to open a jar, snap our fingers, or type, we use our thumbs throughout the day without even thinking. But when we suffer from pain and discomfort in the area, we begin to notice how integral they are to our lives. Read on to find out more about arthritis of the thumb and what you can do to treat it. |
2 August 2017 
Your wrist is an integral part of performing daily activities and exercise. When the area is damaged, this can have an impact on every aspect of your life. Learn about broken wrists, their cause, and the best way to treat them at WristSupports.co.uk. |
2 August 2017 
Watching as your child suffers from pain and swelling in their joints can be difficult, especially if you have limited knowledge about their condition. At WristSupports.co.uk, we've put together a guide for Juvenile Chronic Arthritis so you can help your child get on with their life. |
1 August 2017 | Eugene 
We use our thumbs for nearly everything, so making sure they're healthy and pain-free is a must. As guardians of all things hand-and-wrist-related, we've put together a guide to a common condition: Gamekeeper's Thumb. Learn about causes, symptoms and treatments at WristSupports.co.uk. |